Fundamentally, when you look at a webpage in a Web browser, you see words. But most of the time webpages contain styled text rather than plain text. Nowadays, webpage designers and developers have access to hundreds of different fonts, font sizes, colors, and even alphabets. Web browsers can for the most part display them accurately. Webpages may also contain images, video clips, and background music. They may include drop-down menus, search boxes, or links you can follow to access other pages (whether on the same site or another site). Some websites even let visitors customize the page display to accommodate their preferences and challenges (e.g., sight challenges, deafness, or color blindness). Often a page contains content boxes that move (scroll) while the rest of the page remains static. A typical webpage depends on several technologies (such as CSS, JavaScript, Flash, AJAX, JSON) to control what the end-user sees, but most fundamentally, developers write webpages in HTML, without which there can be no webpages. To display the page on the client-side device, a browser starts out by reading the HTML.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language for specifying how documents are presented to users. These documents are written in a markup language such as HTML

It’s essential to have a comprehensive understanding of HTML & CSS before Progressing to Streams 1 - 3 of the Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp as HTML & CSS form the basis of most of our modules and all of professional grade projects you will undertake along the way

Learn HTML & CSS Fundamentals on your Mobile and Laptop

Solo Learn is a free resource that you can use to learn the basics of HTML & CSS programming. Test your self with quizzes both on your laptop and your mobile. Attain your badges and let us know how you are progressing by mailing your badge links to

   Learn HTML on your Laptop

   Learn CSS on your Laptop

   Learn HTML on your Mobile

   Learn CSS on your Mobile

Code Editors

Useful Online Editor

Test your HTML & CSS code in here without having to install an Integrated Devlopment Environment (IDE) on your machine

   Solo Learn In Browser Editor

Simple Desktop Editors

Mac:    Text Wrangler

Windows :    Notepad++

HTML & CSS Fundamentals Additional Materials

   Learn to Code HTML & CSS

   HTML Cheat Sheet

   CSS3 Cheat Sheet

   CSS Reference

   HTML Best Practices

Core HTML & CSS Videos

   HTML Intro

   HTML Create A Web Page

   HTML Paragraphs, Headers and Line Breaks

   HTML Bold, Italics, Horizontal Rule

   HTML Lists

   HTML Linking To Another Page

   HTML Images

   HTML Directory Structures

   HTML Audio

   HTML Video

   CSS Intro

   CSS External Style Sheets

   CSS Font Properties

   CSS Comments

   CSS Box Model

   CSS Box Model Borders

   CSS Div and Span

   CSS Classes

   CSS ID’s

   CSS Colors

   CSS Background Images

   CSS Pseudo Classes

   CSS Styling Links